Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I like being naive. I like to think that I can personally change the world. I like thinking that the world is inherently good, that no one means to hurt anybody. I like thinking that everybody wants to change and grow continually. I like giving people chance after chance after chance to change, to prove that they are good inside or at least striving to be different. I hate the pain it causes me when I see what the world really is. I hate those days when I realize being naive is a gift and seeing the world as it really is, is a horrible curse. Some may differ with me on this, but let me tell you why. Being naive causes you to look into somebody soul and search for good. Even if it is small, there is good. You focus on the good, searching for a way to defend that persons actions no matter what they may do to you. Being naive causes you to reach out to help those in need, no matter how scary they may look. Being naive causes you to befriend someone who may not treat you as well as they should, simply because you know they need someone, and maybe they will change. What would happen if we all went by the facts of how society tells us things should be? No more homeless shelters, feeding centers, drug rehab centers, prostitution rescue centers. If there is a cycle they won't change. If they were abused they will abuse. If they are poor they will be poor. All statements backed up by stats and facts, saying the cycle will continue. It takes a horribly naive person to think they can make a difference. To have the audacity to say, I do not care what the facts say every child deserves a clean slate. With some help every person can break the cycle.

Dare I say that Jesus was possibly naive? Jesus knew what he was coming for, but he still came. He came to change the world. He came so that his people would follow him. He healed people. Fed people. Saw the best in everyone (see Mary Magdalene or Paul or Peter or Zaccaeus or Judas). Even in his final hour he cried out for God to forgive them, for they know not what they do. So I pray that I will always be a naive dreamer. I thank God for horrible days like this, when I am smacked in the face with reality. Because tomorrow naive Justin will be back, fighting even harder for the good that I see in the world. So I challenge you all to see being a little naive as a positive. To always look past the hurt somebody has caused you and search for that glimpse of good.

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