Monday, October 6, 2008

Apparently when your name Is in the tagged question you are somehow obligated to fill this out?


Attached or Single? Single.
Best friend? My brother Kevlar
Cake or Pie? cheeseCAKE!
Day of Choice? Friday cause I have to work, but there is no school!
Essential Item? I like to think I am not that attached to anything, so I would say food. Or a toothbrush. Or both (can I do that)
Flavor of Ice Cream? Vanilla
Gummy Bears or Worms? Sour Gummy Worms Oh yea!
Hometown? Oak Ridge, born and raised up
Indulgences? eating out
January or July? Depends in Jan I would say July. In July Ill say Jan.
Kids? No, but I do love my niece Ella Rose
Last Movie I saw in a Theater? That one with Don Chealde and Jeff Daniels ( the guy from dumb and dumber) I think it was called traitor or something. It was pretty good
Middle Name? Douglas
Number of Siblings? One Brother One Sister and One Sis-in-law, she counts
Oranges or Apples? I can't choose
Phobia or Fear? Spiders, snakes (2 words Black Mamba), heights, failure, being alone forever, gosh I guess that's about it, wait, sharks, and maybe dolphins
Quote? "You gotta fake it to make it." haha Probably "sho nuff delivered"
Reason to Smile? Life is good
Season? Spring and fall
Tag five more: Jaime, Misty,Jenn, Roscoe and Sandra
Unknown Fact About Me? Sometimes when food is really good I cry
Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? Red Medium Rare Meat
Worst Habit? biting fingernails
Xrays or Ultrasounds? I didn't even know there was a difference and now I do thank you Marissa, Ultrasounds use sound waves, Xrays use radiation - you decide, unless of course you have a broken bone that needs repaired or a mass you need examined -- then you forget about the radiation... I don't know what any of this really means.
Your favorite Food? Enchilada Suiza, Las Mas
Zodiac? Virgo

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