Monday, October 27, 2008

Pics From a Great Weekend!

Ella loves chillin' w/ uncle Justin...well i hope she does...cause I sure love chillin' with her!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

20 pounds of cheese!

So Hugh had this cheese delivered to the office. I guess when you are passionate about something...always do it big.
Did anyone else know that UPS delivers cheese?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Some Pics From ATL

So the Bunch's went to 6 Flags. This is just a few pics that show how much fun we had. Kevin loves christmas sweaters!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tic-Tac freshmints Stink

I love Altoids! Last week I went for my bi-weekly stocking of the mini Altoids. As I frantically searched each and every aisle of lame-o Wal-Mart I began to realize that the store that has it all was completely out of mini Altoids. I settled for Tic Tacs. Now I will tell you why they suck! When you walk there is no possible way to make them stop shaking. What if I needed to be sneaky? Altoids puts paper in the container keeping the rattling noise to a bare minimum. I can't ever just get one out of the box. I only want one, not three, not seven, but one! Altoids are easy, you open the lid and grab the exact number of as many as you want. It takes 23 Tic Tacs to even come close to matching the strength of the curiously strong Altoid. I used to not eat onions, until I discovered how well one single Altoid would cover the horrible smell of onion breath. I took this for granted when I bought a fully loaded Arby's sandwich the other day. I basically ate the whole box of Tic Tacs and still ended up having to brush my teeth to remove the taste/smell. Established in 1969 clearly Tic Tac should take more time to perfect their product. Altoids have been kickin it since 1837. Moral of the story is Tic Tacs stink. The orange one's are pretty cool, even though we all know they do even less for bad breath than the regular Tic Tacs do.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I like being naive. I like to think that I can personally change the world. I like thinking that the world is inherently good, that no one means to hurt anybody. I like thinking that everybody wants to change and grow continually. I like giving people chance after chance after chance to change, to prove that they are good inside or at least striving to be different. I hate the pain it causes me when I see what the world really is. I hate those days when I realize being naive is a gift and seeing the world as it really is, is a horrible curse. Some may differ with me on this, but let me tell you why. Being naive causes you to look into somebody soul and search for good. Even if it is small, there is good. You focus on the good, searching for a way to defend that persons actions no matter what they may do to you. Being naive causes you to reach out to help those in need, no matter how scary they may look. Being naive causes you to befriend someone who may not treat you as well as they should, simply because you know they need someone, and maybe they will change. What would happen if we all went by the facts of how society tells us things should be? No more homeless shelters, feeding centers, drug rehab centers, prostitution rescue centers. If there is a cycle they won't change. If they were abused they will abuse. If they are poor they will be poor. All statements backed up by stats and facts, saying the cycle will continue. It takes a horribly naive person to think they can make a difference. To have the audacity to say, I do not care what the facts say every child deserves a clean slate. With some help every person can break the cycle.

Dare I say that Jesus was possibly naive? Jesus knew what he was coming for, but he still came. He came to change the world. He came so that his people would follow him. He healed people. Fed people. Saw the best in everyone (see Mary Magdalene or Paul or Peter or Zaccaeus or Judas). Even in his final hour he cried out for God to forgive them, for they know not what they do. So I pray that I will always be a naive dreamer. I thank God for horrible days like this, when I am smacked in the face with reality. Because tomorrow naive Justin will be back, fighting even harder for the good that I see in the world. So I challenge you all to see being a little naive as a positive. To always look past the hurt somebody has caused you and search for that glimpse of good.

comments are on!

This thing is stupid! The comments are set to allow and all that. Anybody have some advise?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Apparently when your name Is in the tagged question you are somehow obligated to fill this out?


Attached or Single? Single.
Best friend? My brother Kevlar
Cake or Pie? cheeseCAKE!
Day of Choice? Friday cause I have to work, but there is no school!
Essential Item? I like to think I am not that attached to anything, so I would say food. Or a toothbrush. Or both (can I do that)
Flavor of Ice Cream? Vanilla
Gummy Bears or Worms? Sour Gummy Worms Oh yea!
Hometown? Oak Ridge, born and raised up
Indulgences? eating out
January or July? Depends in Jan I would say July. In July Ill say Jan.
Kids? No, but I do love my niece Ella Rose
Last Movie I saw in a Theater? That one with Don Chealde and Jeff Daniels ( the guy from dumb and dumber) I think it was called traitor or something. It was pretty good
Middle Name? Douglas
Number of Siblings? One Brother One Sister and One Sis-in-law, she counts
Oranges or Apples? I can't choose
Phobia or Fear? Spiders, snakes (2 words Black Mamba), heights, failure, being alone forever, gosh I guess that's about it, wait, sharks, and maybe dolphins
Quote? "You gotta fake it to make it." haha Probably "sho nuff delivered"
Reason to Smile? Life is good
Season? Spring and fall
Tag five more: Jaime, Misty,Jenn, Roscoe and Sandra
Unknown Fact About Me? Sometimes when food is really good I cry
Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? Red Medium Rare Meat
Worst Habit? biting fingernails
Xrays or Ultrasounds? I didn't even know there was a difference and now I do thank you Marissa, Ultrasounds use sound waves, Xrays use radiation - you decide, unless of course you have a broken bone that needs repaired or a mass you need examined -- then you forget about the radiation... I don't know what any of this really means.
Your favorite Food? Enchilada Suiza, Las Mas
Zodiac? Virgo

Friday, October 3, 2008

Love without Conditions

Go into the world and preach the good news! Then leave them starving, dirty, sick, dying, and uneducated. I know this isn’t what the Bible says but this is what our actions say. At what point did it become okay to hang the message of salvation over someone’s head, offering them food or medical care in return for a meaningless prayer. Without slamming anyone directly, I would like to bring attention to the misconception that by going somewhere and having somebody repeat a prayer after you makes a difference at all. People are dying. What means more to them, food or a pointless notion they know nothing about? If I was hungry or sick and someone told me that if I repeat after them I could have free food or medicine, of course I would say or do anything they asked. Gandhi once said “There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.” When did human life become cheapened by the idea of eternal life? Believe me I am not saying in any way that we should stop evangelizing. I am saying that way people do things now is really screwed up. It is selfish and self-gratifying. I have heard people come back from trips overseas exclaiming that they led, insert exaggerated number here, to the Lord. I never respond this way, but I would like to say, that’s awesome but how many people will hunger no more because of you. Can you guarantee their quality of life was improved by your visit? Will you have a continued relationship with them? Do they even know who Jesus is after you leave? “Gandhi also said ‘Act, but seek not the fruit of you actions.’ Your actions flow out of who you are, that’s the fruit. It’s a bit like being in love-when love just flows to the person you are in love with.” So I ask, what is the point of being kind for selfish reasons? Is that really giving at all? I know this is a crazy concept but maybe we should just give food because they are hungry,clothe because they are naked, educate because they are uneducated, clean because they are dirty, help because they are helpless, and love because they are unloved.
So I would like to challenge everyone who may come across this lame blog of mine. Open your eyes and look for people to help, but do it because you care. Not so everyone will know of all the good and great things you have accomplished. The Bible explains clearly "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.” "Defend the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and love the alien, giving him food and clothing." There is poverty everywhere, Mother Teresa explains “The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or Leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness despair and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love. The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty-it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also spirituality. There’s a hunger for love, there’s a hunger for God.”
So love recklessly. Love without conditions. This speaks much louder than any prayer any one could ever deliver.

P.S. Through a previous convo. with Jenn, this blog came to pass. I love that my friends can sit around and throw ideas around without any judgemental attitudes! Even though most the time I say something crazy and have to take it back.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

This was supposed to be my first blog...Just in Time

So I am sitting here watching the Simpson's (not really I am actually in my office on lunch break of course, but when I originally wrote this the Simpson's was on). Thinking that there must be a better way to waste my time, so I thought to myself, I should start a blog! Okay so maybe blogging isn't that much of a waste of time. Blogging seems to be a creative way to express yourself. It brings you closer to people who you may not know that well. And it sure brings joy to the Pcl/Mwoa office often.
I have read every ones blog over the past lil' bit and caught myself lol, that means laugh out loud for those of you who aren't so hip, at Jaime's blog many times with those crazy stories about Ms. Mary and such. I would like to say that I recently had the privilege of meeting Ms. Mary, and by meeting I mean I waved at her from a distance. She did talk back though, she screamed at Jaime calling her a B@&%! as well as telling us that she was not going to smile or wave today. So FYI those stories are all very true. While reading Marissa's I got a chance to reminisce about the good 'ol days. I thought about how wonderful it is to welcome someone to my family who I share so many wonderful memories with. By the way I would like to take just a moment to thank Marissa for reminding of my old FCA Eagle's basketball nickname, that has later in life, and much more importantly, became the name of my new blog. So today (not really today, but pretend this is my first blog) I caved. It's a blog about the life of Justin D. Bunch. In all seriousness I do hope my blog brings everyone else as much joy as their blogs have given me.