Monday, February 2, 2009

I didnt check that out...

So here is my convo. with the Oak Ridge librarian on Saturday. "I'd like to check these books out please... Sir you owe $48. I was afraid of that, what do I have still out. Well you returned them all. Oh good...well what did I check out...

Her Response.........My thoughts

1. Invincible Soundtrack....Hm this is some kinda mistake. I would not have checked that out.
2. Moulin Rouge Soundtrack....Hm that could be me.
3. Sound Of Music....Hm I really don't think I checked this out.
4. Musicology (Prince)... Yea, pretty sure this is me.
5. Thriller (Michael Jackson)... 100% me

Quick leave before they try to make me pay this.

1 comment:

Justin said...

Like that. I spell checked that thing like 3 times too cause I thought it looked wrong.