Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 Random things...

1. I'm moving to Germany and honestly have no idea where it will lead.
2. Girls with huge hands kinda freak me out.
3. I will def. adopt at least 2 kids from other countries.
4. I have a fear of my teeth falling out.
5. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever fall in love.
6. I will never go anywhere without my Ipod, but I am not one of those people who listen to it while in the mall and stuff... come on be social!
7. My house and car and me all together have been robbed 7 times...and that sucks.
8. I sing all the time...most the time like a girl...idk y I just like the girl parts better.
9. When I get bored I eat.
10. Sometimes when food is really really good...I might shed a tear or two.
11. I put off doing my laundry to the very last minute. I hate it.
12. While we are talking about things I hate... washing dishes is way up on the list.
13. I am so scared of sharks...even in like 2 feet of water...I think to much Baywatch and Shark week as a child.
14. Idk y but recently I have been drinking like 15 cups of coffee a day.
15. A text from a good friend can sometimes change my attitude all day long for the better.
16. I like strong opinionated women...I wanna know when they think I am wrong and why.
17. I wish I could fit in the bathtub...they don't make them long enough for slightly tall people. Unless you get the special made ones...I can't afford that.
18. My brother married one of my best friends in high school and that is pretty cool.
19. I like almost every movie I have ever seen haha I am very easily entertained.
20. I have been to 10 countries, by this time next year I will have been to 20 hopefully.
21. I cannot say no to homeless people or charities that ask me for money (thanks Mom)...except last night I made a breakthrough at McDonald's. They asked if I would give a dollar and I said I am so sorry but I can't. Actually I told Kevin to tell them...does that count.
22. I will stay up all night getting to know you if you'd let me.
23. I love, love, love, love sports...and I am basically unbeatable.
24. I love getting pedicures...shhhh!
25. I wish my clothes would be picked out for me in the somebody who knows what I like. I just hate digging through my closet trying to figure it out...I think it is worse because I wait so long to do the laundry, its always hard.

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