Monday, February 23, 2009

Things I miss...

Things I miss…
1. 24 hours a day Wal-Mart
2. Grass
3. Las Margaritas
4. Ella
5. Tivo
6. Unlimited Internet
7. A car
8. Fast food restaurants
9. All you can eat restaurants
10. Malls
11. Places that take visa cards
12. Warmth
13. Texting
14. English tv
15. Family
16. Friends
17. My job
18. Central heat and air
19. Free laundry
20. A world without sauerkraut and sausages haha (for the most part)
21. Starbucks
22. Cheap….well anything
23. Paying 99 cents for a hamburger compared to 4 Dollars
24. My bed
25. My pillow
26. My closet

I hope this doesn’t sound too bad. I miss these things/people, but I am having a great time. I miss the convenience of America. Everything is more convenient…much…much more convenient.


Anonymous said...

It is amazing how spoiled we are and don't even know it until we are taken out of our environment. I love you and I am very proud of you. Mom

Justin said...

Umm they are in no particular order...and see number 6 please...unlimited internet is needed to blog as much as I would like...however if you would like to help support Justin cause for blog please send 10 extra euro a month, that should do it. I used my monthy supply of internet in less than a week. Its crazy how little they allow you to use.