Monday, February 23, 2009

Things I miss...

Things I miss…
1. 24 hours a day Wal-Mart
2. Grass
3. Las Margaritas
4. Ella
5. Tivo
6. Unlimited Internet
7. A car
8. Fast food restaurants
9. All you can eat restaurants
10. Malls
11. Places that take visa cards
12. Warmth
13. Texting
14. English tv
15. Family
16. Friends
17. My job
18. Central heat and air
19. Free laundry
20. A world without sauerkraut and sausages haha (for the most part)
21. Starbucks
22. Cheap….well anything
23. Paying 99 cents for a hamburger compared to 4 Dollars
24. My bed
25. My pillow
26. My closet

I hope this doesn’t sound too bad. I miss these things/people, but I am having a great time. I miss the convenience of America. Everything is more convenient…much…much more convenient.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


So I have arrived in Germany and thus far it has been quite an adventure. On the 13 hour journey here, I had to run through the airport to make my flight in Charlotte due to a delay in Chattanooga. I heard a dog bark on the plane and watched in amazement as the airplane peeps realized that somehow someone had snuck a dog on the plane. We were taxiing to the runway, and had to turn around to kick the people of the plane along with their dog. How does that even happen? I sat by a screaming baby for 10 hours. When I got to the airport in Frankfurt all the signs were in German and their were no clocks anywhere so that was interesting. It was about an hour drive from Stuttgart to Kneibis on the autobahn, we were in an old VW van so about 90 was our top speed. The others however, in their Mercedes were flying it was awesome. I am already working on ways to commandeer a Benz for a couple hours. There are 16 nations represented here, well 17 counting me. The first night I was here they prayed for me. It was pretty cool to hear all the different languages all around. There is a large Spanish representation here at the school. They do not speak much German either so the Spanish crowd is my crowd. My bag has still not arrived therefore I have no underwear, well I had no underwear I just recently bought 4 pair costing me about $15 dollars. There are apparently no extra large people here in Germany so I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my undies. The president of the school is kind enough to bring me two pair of his boxers, one of which is beautifully decorated with teddy bears. I wonder if Dr. Conn would have been so kind. I went for a run today. I found it to be very difficult, maybe it was the snow, the cold, or the high altitude, whatever it was it was horrible. I believe I will come back to America about 200 pounds. I am not saying that the food isn’t good, it’s just different and a lot less quantity. The scenery is beautiful. It has been snowing all day long. I have taken lots of pictures and will have them up shortly. My power adaptor is dead somehow so all of my devices are not working and that is driving me crazy. Anyways I will post more soon. Love you all.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I didnt check that out...

So here is my convo. with the Oak Ridge librarian on Saturday. "I'd like to check these books out please... Sir you owe $48. I was afraid of that, what do I have still out. Well you returned them all. Oh good...well what did I check out...

Her Response.........My thoughts

1. Invincible Soundtrack....Hm this is some kinda mistake. I would not have checked that out.
2. Moulin Rouge Soundtrack....Hm that could be me.
3. Sound Of Music....Hm I really don't think I checked this out.
4. Musicology (Prince)... Yea, pretty sure this is me.
5. Thriller (Michael Jackson)... 100% me

Quick leave before they try to make me pay this.